ADD is a derivative form of ADHD. The big difference is that children with ADHD are very stressful, while children with ADD do not suffer from hyperactivity. Just like children with ADHD, a child with ADD has all kinds of problems in daily life like concentration problems and being dreamy. As a parent you can help your child get along with this so he would feel capable and stronger.

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is a concentration disorder. The difficulty concentrating may be due to a lack of dopamine in the brain. If children with ADHD stand out in class because of their behavior, children with ADD come across calm and dreamy. Yet their heads are full of thoughts. The problems and characteristics of ADD Children and adolescents, often become really visible only during puberty, from the beginning of high school. The child must then be able to plan, organize and concentrate on only one thing for a longer period of time. That's hard when you have ADD, sometimes even impossible. You really need professional help from a specialist in the field of ADD.
Symptoms and characteristics
- Quickly distracted
- Trouble finishing things
- Moves very easily from one activity to another
- no overview of main and side issues
- Can poorly plan, organize and choose
- can only focus on something if you find the topic very interesting
- Difficulty listening, and information doesn't seem to penetrate
- Difficulty filling out forms, understanding instructions and remembering them
- Often losing things
- Chaotic
Do you recognize this? This doesn't have to mean that your child has ADD right away. Make an appointment with the GP. He may refer you to a specialist for further examination. During the first psychological appointment, an intake and a plan is made based on prehistory information. It will also be examined whether there are any social-emotional problems. For example, whether there is unrest at home or a divorce. This too can lead to increased distractibility.
In addition, an intelligence test will sometimes be done to rule out whether there is an interrogation or interrogation (this can also lead to ADD symptoms). Furthermore, so-called neuropsychological tests will be taken that look at the extent to which a child is able to hold attention, distribute attention, etc. Sometimes there is also an additional school observation. All the results of the examination are then discussed and a diagnosis is made on that basis.
ADD has a hereditary factor. It's in the family, it's said. Do you have ADD? Then the chance that one of your kids will have it too is at least 75%! It is very good to know that ADD is not a trait or an educational error.
ADD and child education: tips and approach
Raising a child with ADD can sometimes be a challenge. Fortunately, you do not have to invent the wheel. There is a lot known about children with ADD and you can benefit from it. Hereby some tips that might help and make it a lot easier.

1. Structure and rhythm
A child with ADD needs to have as much structure as possible externally. In this way, they can better deal with the lack of structure that takes place in the head. For example, compile a daily list of clear to-dos. Make sure you make clear what is expected of them from day to day.
2. Repeat
Repeat instructions or instructions that he or she must complete.
Write down the tasks, say what the tasks are, repeat this one more time. Children with ADD benefit from recurrence. Otherwise, the chances are high that they have forgotten to carry out a simple task - such as taking out the dog for a walk.
3 Clear rules and boundaries
It sounds very strict, but clear rules can ensure a sense of security. Be consistent in this and take a leading role in this. Your child may want to have a discussion. Hear them out, explain the rules and stay clear in your own boundaries.
4. Predictability
Make the schedule clearly visible. School days, chores, afternoon activities: everything has to be on it. Hang it where your child can encounter it regularly. For example, on the refrigerator door or bedroom door. Dealing with unexpected events or changes is a lot more difficult for a child with ADD. So announce such an event in advance. And repeat what's going to happen next time.
5. Break down large tasks into smaller commands
Big tasks give an overwhelming feeling. Your child may get the idea that it will never succeed because it's to much to remember. The consequence of this is procrastination. You prevent this scenario by dividing a task into smaller, more manageable pieces. As a result, each task feels simple enough and does not come across your child in one go.
6. Eye contact
Children with ADD can wander faster and more often in their own minds. You get in touch with them again by making a lot of eye contact. By looking your child in the eye, you get him or her out of a daydream. In addition, it can also give your child a safe and reassuring feeling.
7. Less stimuli
Because there is a lack of structure in their head, the simplest things can already make one feel that it is all too much. Chances are that your child can no longer tolerate simple things like many paints on the wall or variant games lying on the desk. Minimize the feeling of chaos as much as possible. For example, keep their room plain and clean so they can relax and sleep well.
8. Emphasize success
A child may already notice in different aspects of life that he or she is different. A sense of failure and insecurity can creep into the background. So remind your child of everything that is going well. And reward him or her for trying to make and complete a task.
9. Leave enough space for fun
In addition to all the rules and structures, it is also important that there is enough space for fun. After all, your child is still a child and it really doesn't have to be boring at home. Doing fun things for a child also breaks through the drudgery and boredom that are attached to all tasks.
For anymore questions or thoughts don't hesitate to contact me.